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Comparative Literature Master's Degrees in Connecticut

Connecticut Comparative Literature Master's Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking review contains 2 Connecticut schools offering comparative literature master's degrees, and Yale University is the best option.

Check both Connecticut schools providing comparative literature master's degrees and literature colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other literature major or diploma.

CT comparative literature master's degree schools:

Yale University - Literature School Ranking
1. Yale University

Located in New Haven

University of Connecticut - Literature School Ranking

Comparative literature master's degrees in nearby states:

Harvard University - Literature School Ranking
Harvard University

Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts

University of Massachusetts Amherst - Literature School Ranking
University of Massachusetts Amherst

Located in Amherst, Massachusetts

Rutgers University New Brunswick - Literature School Ranking
Rutgers University New Brunswick

Located in New Brunswick, New Jersey

Princeton University - Literature School Ranking
Princeton University

Located in Princeton, New Jersey

Brown University - Literature School Ranking
Brown University

Located in Providence, Rhode Island

Boston University - Literature School Ranking
Boston University

Located in Boston, Massachusetts

CT literature schools offering other master's degrees:

Trinity College - Literature School Ranking
Trinity College

Located in Hartford, 1 master's program

Southern Connecticut State University - Literature School Ranking
Southern Connecticut State University

Located in New Haven, 1 master's program

Western Connecticut State University - Literature School Ranking
Western Connecticut State University

Located in Danbury, 1 master's program

Central Connecticut State University - Literature School Ranking
Central Connecticut State University

Located in New Britain, 1 master's program

Other literature master's degrees in CT:

General Literature: 6 schools
Theatre Literature: 1 school

Other comparative literature diplomas in CT:

Bachelor's Degrees: 1 school
Doctoral Degrees: 2 schools

Connecticut literature schools by city:

Bridgeport: 2 schools
Danbury: 1 school
Danielson: 1 school
Enfield: 1 school
Fairfield: 2 schools
Farmington: 1 school
Hamden: 1 school
Hartford: 2 schools
Manchester: 1 school
Middletown: 2 schools
New Britain: 1 school
New Haven: 4 schools
New London: 1 school
Norwich: 1 school
Storrs: 1 school
Waterbury: 1 school
West Hartford: 2 schools
West Haven: 1 school
Willimantic: 1 school
Winsted: 1 school

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