Literature SchoolsGeneral

General Literature Bachelor's Degrees in Nebraska

Nebraska General Literature Bachelor's Degree SchoolsIn 2024, we rated 16 Nebraska schools granting general literature bachelor's degrees, and University of Nebraska Lincoln is the best option.

Check the rest of Nebraska schools granting general literature bachelor's degrees and literature colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other literature major or diploma.

NE general literature bachelor's degree schools:

University of Nebraska Lincoln - Literature School Ranking
University of Nebraska at Omaha - Literature School Ranking
Creighton University - Literature School Ranking
3. Creighton University

Located in Omaha

University of Nebraska at Kearney - Literature School Ranking
4. University of Nebraska

Located in Kearney

College of Saint Mary - Literature School Ranking
5. College of Saint Mary

Located in Omaha

Nebraska Wesleyan University - Literature School Ranking
Bellevue University - Literature School Ranking
7. Bellevue University

Located in Bellevue

Chadron State College - Literature School Ranking
8. Chadron State College

Located in Chadron

Wayne State College - Literature School Ranking
9. Wayne State College

Located in Wayne

Doane University - Literature School Ranking
10. Doane University

Located in Crete

Concordia University Nebraska - Literature School Ranking
Hastings College - Literature School Ranking
12. Hastings College

Located in Hastings

Union College Lincoln - Literature School Ranking
13. Union College Lincoln

Located in Lincoln

Midland University - Literature School Ranking
14. Midland University

Located in Fremont

York University - Literature School Ranking
15. York University

Located in York

Peru State College - Literature School Ranking
16. Peru State College

Located in Peru

Other general literature diplomas in NE:

Associate's Degrees: 1 school
Master's Degrees: 5 schools
Doctoral Degrees: 1 school

Nebraska literature schools by city:

Bellevue: 1 school
Chadron: 1 school
Crete: 1 school
Fremont: 1 school
Hastings: 1 school
Kearney: 1 school
Lincoln: 3 schools
Norfolk: 1 school
Omaha: 3 schools
Peru: 1 school
Seward: 1 school
Wayne: 1 school
York: 1 school

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