Literature SchoolsGeneral

General Literature Doctoral Degrees in Kansas

Kansas General Literature Doctoral Degree SchoolsOur 2024 ranking contains 2 Kansas schools granting general literature doctoral degrees, and University of Kansas is the best option.

Check both Kansas schools providing general literature doctoral degrees and literature colleges offering similar programs in the nearby states or narrow your search by city or consider other literature major or diploma.

KS general literature doctoral degree schools:

University of Kansas - Literature School Ranking
1. University of Kansas

Located in Lawrence

Kansas State University - Literature School Ranking
2. Kansas State University

Located in Manhattan

General literature doctoral degrees in nearby states:

University of Colorado Boulder - Literature School Ranking
University of Colorado Boulder

Located in Boulder, Colorado

Washington University in St Louis - Literature School Ranking
Washington University in St Louis

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

University of Denver - Literature School Ranking
University of Denver

Located in Denver, Colorado

University of Tulsa - Literature School Ranking
University of Tulsa

Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma

Saint Louis University - Literature School Ranking
Saint Louis University

Located in Saint Louis, Missouri

University of Oklahoma Norman - Literature School Ranking
University of Oklahoma Norman

Located in Norman, Oklahoma

University of Missouri Columbia - Literature School Ranking
University of Missouri Columbia

Located in Columbia, Missouri

Oklahoma State University - Literature School Ranking
Oklahoma State University

Located in Stillwater, Oklahoma

University of Nebraska Lincoln - Literature School Ranking
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Located in Lincoln, Nebraska

Other general literature diplomas in KS:

Certificates: 3 schools
Associate's Degrees: 4 schools
Bachelor's Degrees: 23 schools
Master's Degrees: 6 schools

Kansas literature schools by city:

Atchison: 1 school
Baldwin City: 1 school
Dodge City: 1 school
El Dorado: 1 school
Emporia: 1 school
Great Bend: 1 school
Hays: 1 school
Hillsboro: 1 school
Independence: 1 school
Lawrence: 1 school
Leavenworth: 1 school
Lindsborg: 1 school
Manhattan: 1 school
McPherson: 2 schools
North Newton: 1 school
Olathe: 1 school
Ottawa: 1 school
Overland Park: 1 school
Pittsburg: 1 school
Salina: 1 school
Sterling: 1 school
Topeka: 1 school
Wichita: 3 schools
Winfield: 1 school

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